Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bird's Eye View

The wren wonders at outdoor
Christmas lights,
not much there for nesting,
the wires make poor worms,
the bulbs, sharp white on green leaves,
confuse with slight shadows
and heat.

To a bird's eye, this
seven dollar string of electric
adornment, is supernatural, and to us,
on this holiday of heaven come to earth,
the Light of the World hanging from eaves
and roof gutters, sparkles in the eyes
of the children His birth makes us all.

Angels and doves top
the indoor trees, visitors
and families, all wise,
bask in glowing hearts, the Gift
of never ending love swaddle wrapped,
like Santa's cookies on a plate, to be shared.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


The wind isn't bluffing.

Gulls dart down
like folded arrows
to secret rock grips,
the buoys tip top
side to side in the whipped
wash slamming the harbor.

Over an inch an hour
for the best part of dark noon
drench, the bluster
might dent the drought
as it floods the valley bottom.
Reeling rivers poised for headlines
and photos of roof top boats.

The tent and tarp folks,
tucked tight in the gullies, got to climb
socially. A sheltered promise
of soup and a cot bring Bethlehem
to bear wet witness. The Child is borne,
by a Samaritan's smile,
in the storm.